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We are a community of passionate experts and scientists to lighten up your journey

Securing ethics and integrity for good metaverses and digital, virtual, immersive environments

The Metavethics Institute is the only global, community-driven independent not-for-profit think tank dedicated to enabling sustainable, ethical, and inclusive efforts for technology-driven organizations through scientific research.

Our global network of passionate scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts is committed to ensuring that digital, virtual, and immersive environments are designed and developed by delivering integrity, privacy, safety, diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.



​The Metavethics Institute focuses on investigating and advocating the ethical and integrity implications of human behavior towards metaverses and digital, virtual, and immersive environments.

Metavethics requires the combined expertise of specialists from numerous disciplines including computer science, philosophy, ethics, theology, biology, physiology, cognitive science, neurosciences, law, sociology, psychology, economics, industrial design, and many more.


The Metavethics Institute is committed to advancing the design and development of good digital, virtual, and immersive environments, and metaverses by running independent research programs, developing thought leadership initiatives, and advancing advocacy and best practices developments across the world.


Meet our team

Our leaders, staff, board members, and advisors are passionate about researching and building digital, virtual, and immersive environments and metaverses that guarantee integrity, privacy, safety, diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.

We believe in a world where sustainable ethics will shape society for the better.


Scientific advisors


Thomas Caruso

Clinical Professor

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford University

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Lauren Herckis

Simon Initiative Library Faculty

Carnegie Mellon University

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Louis Rosenberg

​CEO & Chief Scientist

Unanimous AI, Responsible Metaverse Alliance, XR Safety Initiative


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Liane Colonna

​Associate Professor

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI)

Stockholm University 


Takumi Ohashi

Associate Professor

 Tokyo Institute of Technology


Eileen McGivney

Assistant Professor

 Northeastern University

College of Arts, Media and Design


Xinyi Tu

Doctoral Researcher

Aalto & University of Cambridge

Sr. Data Scientist PwC

Expert advisors

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Paul Amadeus Lane

          Vice President

      Amadeus 4th Media

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Neve Trinder

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Aaron Brancotti

Partner - CTO

Fishbone Creek

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Ken Omae


Ken Omae Design

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David Orban

Managing Advisor

Beyond Enterprizes


Brendan Nel

Chief Marketing Officer

 Sine Wave Entertainment

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Leandro Agro'

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Joe Santangelo

VP of Business Development CastleHill Managed Risk Solutions

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Frank Morisano

Board Member


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Miguel Paulo

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Richard Bowdler

Head of growth


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